Note: No information collected on this form is saved beyond this session. It is only used to generate the files that are returned to you, or to facilitate your visualization.

Please enter the host and model to build a MUD-URL for this device:

Basic Information

What systems does this device need to talk to?

Select all that apply: (optional)
Internet hosts by name     Protocol 
My Controller: Access to controllers specific to this device (no need to name a class)     Protocol 
Local Access: Access to/from any local host for specific services (like COAP or HTTP)     Protocol 
Controllers (Enter a URI for the class) Access to classes of devices that are known to be controllers.  Use this when you want different types of devices to access the same controller.
Same Manufacturer: Access devices of the same manufacturer (based on the domain name in the MUD URL)     Protocol 
By Manufacturer: identified by the domain names in their MUD URL     Protocol